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5 Ways to Make Your Social Media STAND OUT!

In today’s fast paced, media rich market, it can be daunting to stand out and set yourself apart from the noise as a unique and worthy business. If you want to learn how to make your social stand out from the crowd, keep reading!

Create Daily Content

It is never too late to start creating daily consistent content to get your business seen. The more you post and the more people who engage on your posts, the better the potential reach is for your posts in the long run. While you may not see results overnight, providing content daily as a ‘little and often approach works!. If you are stuck for ideas, you are welcome to watch my live videos here on Youtube.

Add Value

Provide as much value to your audience as you can to keep them coming back for more. Top tips and helpful advice will portray you as the ‘go to’ in your industry. If you really want to get people talking and sharing, give away something for free! This can be a product or even a free trial of your service. People LOVE freebies! And you will be remembered.

Mix it Up!

Don’t be scared to do something different and mix things up a little. Get outside the box, try something different with your imagery (Some of the best images went viral this way!) or if you are not known for doing videos, surprise your audience and make one. Check out the benefits of using videos in your social media here 


Already producing videos for social media? Why not go the extra step and give Facebook LIVES a try? You can create an event, organise some hype around your LIVES and get people guessing and talking about them. It is unlikely that your competitors are doing this regularly and is an excellent way to connect and get feedback from your followers.

Be Authentic

Perhaps the most important thing on this list is authenticity. People buy from people and it is important to be yourself at the heart of everything you do. Your audience will tap into this and LOVE you for it. Your competitors could be using the same strategies as you but once you are remaining authentic, this will stand out by a mile, every time. Check out my blog here for more on this.


Are you unsure how to move forward with your social media strategy? If you are feeling stuck, I can help. I have a range of social media packages to suit all needs and budgets, or if you just need a nudge in the right direction; my LIVE events are packed full of tips, tricks, and strategies you can use to boost your online presence.

If you would like to watch my Facebook live all about this subject, you are welcome to click here to watch this on Youtube.