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My Top Website Maintenance Tips

Welcome back to my blog, here is another website related blog I would like to share with you discussing my top website maintenance tips. Unfortunately, you can’t just set up a website, leave it be and expect a great performance over time. If you have an existing website, you’ll want to read this. Let’s get started.

Back Up Your Website

The number one rule of creating and running a website is to back up your website. Too many people have lost all of their hard work on a website due to it not being regularly backed up. A back up can come in handy if your website crashes, something is inadvertently deleted or your website is hacked. A back up gives you the peace of mind that your website can be restored at any time.

Check Regularly for Updates

There are two important updates to take care of on your website, the first one is checking for updates to your website theme and software, this will ensure that your website is running smoothly and on the latest versions. The other update is simply updating your content so that search engines see fresh, new and relevant content which can help your SEO and Google ranking. By the way, writing this blog for my website helps me as this is fresh content for my site. 

Fix Broken Links

Regularly check your website for broken links and fix them as soon as you can. Broken links will say to search engines that your website isn’t updated or properly optimised and broken links will also cause a bad user experience for customers who are trying to find out more about you or buy from you. Take a moment to test each of your links and ensure they are pointing to the correct place on the internet.

Look for Errors

The dreaded 404 error page. It’s not what you want your customers and followers to see when they have landed on your website, so try to find them and repair them as soon as they happen. There are many reasons for errors including a page that no longer exists, a page that hasn’t been published to the public yet or even a mistyped link. Spend a few minutes every so often to test your website links, that’s all it takes.

Test Your Loading Speed

Slow loading and visually unappealing websites just don’t have a place on the internet anymore. As the digital age has sped everything up, users aren’t as patient as they once were and visitors to a slow loading website just won’t stick around. Test your website loading speed regularly (There are lots of free tools on Google to do this) and if your website is slow, you will need to identify and eliminate the source of the problem. If you would like to know how quick your website is, get in touch and we can take a look together.

I would like to add a really important point to note here. If your website is slow and pages appear to take forever to load – this is costing you money. Your clients or customers will no longer wait for a page to load. Expectations are high. Your website needs to be fast loading to meet those expectations.

Update Your Website Security

Excellent website security is essential these days and anyone who is running a website needs to know the basics so they, or worse, their customers don’t become a victim of a cyberattack or spam. I have written a more in depth blog on the benefits of website security for business owners and their website users and some tips on how to secure your website which you can read here.

I hope you enjoyed my latest blog and have a better understanding of how to maintain your website. If you need some more help with maintenance on an old website or you are thinking of setting up a brand new one for your business, I would love to have a chat with you and see how I can help. You will find my contact form here.