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Every website should have a frequently asked questions page.

There is no question too small (or silly!) to ask me if you are unsure about any aspect of the services I provide.

However, if you feel I haven’t answered your question below, please do not hesitate to click the button below and reach out.

General Questions

I am based in the UK. I live and work in a small town called Godmanchester which is approximately 15 miles from Cambridge.

Whilst my office hours are 9am til 5.30pm (Monday – Friday) there may be occasions when I am working outside of those hours however I would suggest calling the office number or email me and I will get back to you ASAP.

Yes 100%. If I cannot answer your call, please leave me a message and I will get back to you asap.

I would be more than happy to take a look at your marketing and strategies to see if there are any opportunities going forward for both of us. I would always suggest another set of eyes is beneficial.

Over the last 20 years I have worked in a number of different sectors. The packages I offer are suitable for all business types and industries.

Social Media Content

Yes you will. This is a very popular question and the accounts are yours, even if I set them up for you. I am purely instructed by you to help you work on and manage the accounts. I will simply request access to manage the channels for you or be given access to the by you or an admin on the pages.

All I ask you to do is send it through to for with the image and wording and I will do the rest for you. The more information you can give me the better and if you need some help, that is not a problem! Just give me a call or drop me an email.

It depends on which package you choose to start with. If it is the Standard package then it could be up to two channels. However, if you choose to go ahead with the Advanced package then you can choose up to four channels from Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram.

In my experience, it is best to treat each scenario individually as there is no set response. Getting negative comments or reviews is a part of everyday life on social media and different situations can be handled in many different ways. If this happens, we can discuss this in more detail at that time.

The benefits of using social media is to help raise your brand awareness, drive traffic and generate leads. The more effective you post, the more likely you are to see better results. Social media is not just about short term gains. It’s an investment for the future and what you do now, will help you in years to come. (As long as you keep engaging with your audience)

I would be more than happy to get you started and the best part is, there is no cost to you at all in doing so. It is actually really enjoyable setting up accounts. I suppose it is the geek in me!!

Content / Blog Writing

Technically, a blog article is a piece of ‘content’ but to answer this more simply with the services I am offering, a blog is often a slightly short piece of content that is written in a different style or with a tone of voice. The content I provide is more used for website content with the main pages of the site and sometimes seen as a more professional article.

If you are an existing client of mine for a website build then that would no problem at all. If that is not the case, we can still discuss as this but it will depend on your website and the platform that it has been built with.

This is a very good question and one I get asked often by people. As a blog writer, you need to be able to spend just as much time researching as you do writing. Some subjects will come naturally to me but others I made need to spend a bit more time with. I also speak with my clients and talk to them about the style, tone of voice and also the subject matter.

I normally estimate approximately 7 days however, this could be much sooner and depends on the quantity of blogs/content that has been ordered.

Search engines, like Google, love content being added to the website so it can crawl and pick up keywords for page rankings. The more content you add the better and if you get into practice of adding one blog per week, you can start to see more benefits as this will also be suitable for email marketing and social media.

Facebook Advertising

There are no limits to what you spend with Facebook ads. I would recommend that we look at your budget and how best we can use that budget to generate more for you. Over the years, I have helped many clients generate leads worth thousands of pounds from just a £50 advert! Facebook recommends a minimum of £5 per day but again, we can discuss this and it depends on the budget you have in mind.

You can measure Facebook ads in several ways. I like to look at the ‘reach’ (which is the number of people who have seen your brand and the advert on their timeline and the click throughs to your website or contact form. You will be able to advise me of what results you have seen at your end too so we can attribute revenue from your ad spend.

In order for me to run Facebook ads for you, I would require authorisation to your adverts account and you would already have a payment method attached to this.

Yes no problem at all. This could be set up in a matter of minutes for you.

Before we get started, we would need to take some time to look at who your targeted audience. Who are your customers? Who are you trying to reach by their age, interests and location. For example, if your targeted audience are people looking to sell their home, then it would suggested to avoid targeted those under the age of 30. We can go through this together and start to define your audience.

Web Design

If you are already hosting the website then that is great. If you need me to host it for you then this would be charged at £100 per annum and renewed annually.

I am happy to make some amends to the website for you free of charge however for any significant changes that are required, I may need to look at charging an hourly rate of £50 per hour. This can be discussed in more detail upon request.

This is often seen as a million dollar questions and some very corporations do spend this to help be seen first. There are so many variables for helping you get up the rankings. One of these is having relevant content on the website because search engines like Google are text readers. They focus on the content, keywords used and also the titles of pages etc. If you are interested in SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) then I can make a recommendation for you. Any SEO work you do is an investment for the future.

You can still have full access to the website however I would suggest consulting me first before you decide to make any changes in case it affects the structure and styling of the pages.

I like to think that from sign up to the point of going live should be no longer than 6 weeks. However, I will look to aim for 4 weeks if there is sufficient time in teh schedule. This also depends on when the content and imagery is ready for the website. In my experience, this tends to be one the main reasons why websites take longer to go live.

Logo Design

I usually like to ensure that I have 7 days between the agreement of the brief and sending over the first draft. Sometimes it will be sooner that 7 days!

Good question! Upon completion, I will supply the logo in a number of different formats to suit various platforms. This means that you will get more than just a small JPEG file and will receive a file large enough to put on the side of a bus. (if you ever needed that)

Sometimes this happens and we simply go back to the drawing board on design for you. However, I always like to spend more time with my clients at the outset with our design brief to ensure that I get a ‘feel’ for what you are looking for. This often helps improve the quality of the final designs.

The simple answer is, you! On completion of the final payment, the full rights to the logo will be handed over to you. The only rights I have are to display the logo in my portfolio upon your agreement.

There are no hidden costs at all. I simply ask for a 50% payment up front and then the remainder paid upon completion of the logo before sending you the full logo package.

New Business Start Up

This is entirely up to you and the agreement we have together. I can offer a consultancy service as well for you or work on a monthly basis but like I said, it is entirely down the agreement we have together. I would welcome a call to discuss this in a little more detail perhaps.

Yes I am more than happy to offer this advice and it does depend on what you are looking for. I have spent the last 5-6 years working with a number of different pieces of software than could help you and your business. Just get in touch and we can discuss more.

The first stage is a phone call or email. This would be great for me to be able to learn more about you, your vision and what you would like to achieve. We can also start to formulate a road map to look at the business and how best to get it off the ground.

The charges will solely depend of what we can agree on working together. We can discuss this in more detail on a call.

Not necessarily! I am more than happy to have a video call / zoom / skype call so whichever suits you. Sometimes meeting face to face can help but like I said, not always necessary.

Email Marketing

In simple terms, you are employing me to help you create, design and send your email campaigns out to your audience. Each month, we will work together to ensure that we have mailers ready to go, which will take one item off your marketing ‘to do’ list.

That is not a problem. You are welcome to spend some time trying to find a suitable platform to work with or alternatively you can allow me to recommend a platform that we can work with together. You will have full access to the software and I would simply become a partner to be able to send the mailers out on your behalf.

Once signed and we have the platform in place, I will assist you with the onboarding process and get the design of your mailer created. We will then start to discuss the strategy going forward and get the first mailer sent out ASAP but only once we are both ready to do so.

100% yes! It is important that you firstly approve the content of the mailer, the design and our designated strategy. Nothing will ever be sent out unless you are 100% happy for it to do so.

If you do not have a platform, I can recommend one to you and you are responsible for paying for the relevant monthly subscription. You will also be responsible for uploading data into the platform each month.