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My Top Time Management Tips

If, like me you are fully hands on and running your own business as well as trying to fit in family time and other commitments, good time management might seem to be just out of your reach. I have written this blog to help business owners who are struggling to effectively manage their time. Here are my top time management tips and some ideas that have worked and are working for me.

Identify Your Tasks

First of all you will need to clearly work out exactly what you need to get done on a daily or weekly basis. This is your starting point and how you begin to sort out exactly where your time is going right now and whether these tasks are worth it when you look at the bigger picture. Make a list, be honest and add everything you can think of no matter how small before we move to the next step.

Prioritise and Delegate

Your next step is to prioritise your tasks and responsibilities, list them in order of importance or urgency and focus on getting the ones at the top of that list done first. As you near the bottom of your list, you can ask yourself “Do I really need them on my list?” “Could they be delegated to someone else or removed completely?” It’s also an excellent idea to calculate the length of time it takes you to complete your tasks at this point to get an overview of where most of your time is going.

Identify Time Drainers

Time drainers are those little things that take up so much of your time without you realising it. If you are using social media for your business, you might have a habit of checking and replying to comments daily, which is fine, and important! but if that comment check turns into a long doom scroll which isn’t relevant to your business, you have just identified a time drainer. Try to limit your time drainers as much as possible to avoid wasting precious time and limiting your productivity.


Tasks that are done regularly or at the same time each week or month should absolutely be automated. It might take a bit of forward planning and effort on your part to get these processes in place but when you have found an effective automation system that works for you, the time saved on repetitive tasks is so worth it.

Limit Distractions

Finally, trying to work when you are distracted is disastrous for your productivity. When you map out your tasks for the week, also ensure that you have enough time to carry them out to completion as sometimes you would be better off not starting them at all and parking them until you have enough time to fully concentrate. When you start a task, give it everything you have for an allocated time.

How well do you manage your time? If you are struggling, I hope my tips have helped you. If you have any top tips to add to this list I would also love to hear them. If time is an issue for you as a business owner and you need help with marketing your business, I would love to help you.

Reach out to me here for a no-obligation chat.