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What to Do When the Domain Name You Want Isn’t Available

You’re starting a brand-new business, you’ve come up with the perfect name, you’re excited to make it official, and then, disappointment! The domain name you want is already taken. It can be frustrating, but there are a few ways to get around this and still create a strong online presence. Here are my top tips on what to do when the domain name you want isn’t available.

Try a Different Domain Extension

The most common domain extension is (.com) or ( but there are others to choose from. I personally use* to show my personal approach to my business. Depending on your niche, you might even find an extension that makes more sense for you. If your website is a non-profit, you could use (.org) If it’s a tech related business, (.tech) could be ideal, you can even research industry-specific extensions.

*For those who know me well, you’ll see that I am not an ‘all about me kind of person’ but as I am the brand, I didn;t just want to have a domain name like any other digital agency. I do also own though. 

Add a Word

If your chosen domain name is taken, try adding a small word that still aligns with your business. For example, if you have a shop called ‘Sweet Treats’ and is taken, you could try something like or This is an excellent way to get around your problem but be careful not to use too many extra words or overcomplicate this as it could make your new website harder to remember or find.

Recheck Domain Availability

Just because your domain name is unavailable now, doesn’t mean it always will be. If the domain you want is owned but not actively used, you might be able to purchase it in the future, you can also request to be alerted if it becomes available. Alternatively, you could reach out directly to the owner to see if they’re willing to sell it but be aware that this could become costly with high demand domain names.

Get Creative

This is your opportunity to get creative! If the exact domain name you want isn’t available, it might be time to think of new ideas that showcase your business in a different way. Try using different words or tones to create something unique and memorable. Sometimes a twist on an original idea can end up working even better than your first choice. Get your trusted connections involved in this to brainstorm some ideas together and you never know what you might come up with.

Use a Different Domain Name

Your domain name doesn’t have to match your business name exactly. A lot of successful companies have domain names that are slightly different from their official business name. Try using an abbreviated version of your business name or use a clever play on words that still conveys what your business is all about. I have an example of this for you. One of my clients is Lock & Key Estate Agents but there domain name is

Ultimately, what matters most is building a strong online presence that resonates with your audience! If you need some support with your new website, domain name or marketing, I’m happy to help. Contact me here to arrange a mutual time to meet.