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Why Video Content Is Key To Engagement Growth

The King is dead… long live the King! You may wonder why I have kicked off this week’s blog talking about the King. Over the years, in the digital marketing world, there has been much discussion and emphasis on content strategies. Often referring to ‘content being King’ in order to be successful. Let’s look at an overview of why video content is key to engagement growth.

This is still true today, but it has now been overtaken by the term ‘video content is King’.

All the top marketers are vlogging. (I’ll come back to that!) It’s a great way to get content quickly to your audience using social media and other forms of digital marketing outlets.

Why is video content so popular?

It’s easy to watch for your followers. It’s easier to digest the ‘content’ and it can get a message across much quicker and relies on less effort from your audience. I believe that we (as a nation) are getting slightly lazier. People are watching more videos now across social media than ever before. It’s much easier than reading blogs with 400 words or more.

Now, I can easily see that I may sound like I am contradicting myself slightly because I am writing this 400+ word blog however, I am doing two things with this piece of written content. I am sharing this as a link on my social channels AND I am recording a short video talking about this article too. (59 second video max because Instagram doesn’t allow videos longer than 60 seconds)

My videos are designed to capture people’s attention, put my face in front of them so people can get to know me, as I am more likely to relate to people if they can see and hear me personally.

Does it really work?

This is why I say that ‘Video content is key to engagement growth’. Since I started, approx. 7 weeks ago, I know that my reach stats on my posts are in excess of 22,000 people. I can safely say that my videos are attributing to over 65% of the total reach. I have looked at the stats. It can take time so do not expect to be a YouTube star overnight.

For those that are worried about what video equipment to use and how much to spend, please don’t. I have an iPhone 10, a £15.99 tripod from Amazon and lots of patience in creating the videos. There is an iOS app called Clips which helps me with the subtitles. I then use iMovie to add some outros etc. I could fill a 10-minute video with outtakes, trust me!

Creating videos is 100% outside of my comfort zone. For many years I would advise clients to get some videos created as this really helps. Not thinking that the client may find it difficult to record something on video. I found it tough to start with but now I am getting more confident, the more I don them. At one point I was so worried that people may not take me seriously enough if I wore a polo shirt!! How wrong was I. Everyone wears polos and tees nowadays in my world.

So, heading back to the title of this blog. Recording videos and talking about your business, your case studies, your blogs, your services or even just what is happening in your business WILL help you to generate more engagements.

It’s has worked for me. If you are reading this then there is a very good chance you may have watched one of my videos promoting this article.

If you need some help or would like an honest critique of a video you are creating, let me know. Just send it over and I will see what I can do for you. I am also confident I could provide you with three video content ideas regardless of the industry that you work in. This is not arrogance but creativity!

Quick question… are your competitors doing it? If they are then you are potentially behind them sitting in second place. If they are not, you could be leading the way. When you are starting out, you need to remember that you are playing a long game here.

Before I forget, ‘vlogging’ is the term used for ‘video blogging’. I will do another blog (or vlog) on this another time.