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My Handy 5 Point Daily Checklist On Facebook

The world of social media is moving fast. Everyday there is something new happening and it can be tough to stay on top. I’m going to let you into a little secret; you don’t need to know everything! I get it. It’s nice to know as much as you can but often, you can get bogged down with the analytical data on Facebook and forget some of the basics. I’ve been there but not anymore. Here is my handy 5-point daily checklist on Facebook.

I genuinely hope this helps you keep focused and by following this, you will gradually start to be able to recognise your successes.

Let’s get started:

I Check My Notifications Twice Daily

The first thing I do (normally whilst the kettle is boiling) is open up my Facebook page and head over to my ‘notifications’ tab. Here, you can get an update on what comments you have received, who has shared your posts and if you have received any recommendations. I look through these and thank those who have shared, read and acknowledged my comments then once finished; I mark these as all read. Later in the day, I will repeat the same process.

You may be thinking ‘Do you not check at various times of the day?’. The answer is ‘Yes I do’. I can be reactive to any activity during the day, but I have a routine to follow. Good practices do not hurt.

I Check My Inbox

There is no better feeling than seeing that you have received a new message and it is from a client who is expressing an interest in your product/service. It pays to check this twice daily also. Yes, you can have notifications to react to anything ‘in the now’ but (as I mentioned above) it’s good habits like these that will help your business to grow through social media.

When you walk down the stairs each morning or when you get home from work, do you check for any mail through your letterbox? It’s the same principle.

I Look At My Reach

Remember; ‘Page likes are for show, reach is for dough’. This may sound a little cheesy and/or salesy, but it is true. I like to head to the home section of my Facebook page and scroll down. Taking a look at each post and checking to see what the reach figure says. Whilst doing this, I am also checking on the style of post and recognising any patterns that are affecting the reach results both positively and negatively. If a particular post is performing well, I will make a note of this and look to try this again. Test, test and test.

What’s Happening In The Ad Centre?

If you have any boosts running, this is the place to go each day. It’s good to keep an eye on your results. Check to ensure that your demographic targeting is working ok. Check to see if people are clicking on your call to action. Has anyone added a comment to a post? Do you need to reply to this comment? This is a handy top tip if you are boosting your posts on a regular basis.

I Post Something New

My last handy top tip is an obvious one, but it makes my top 5 every time. Whilst you are there, look at posting something on your page. Whether this be a news article, a photo or something interesting and inspirational that comes to mind. My 7 Posts In 7 Days Strategy blog could be a good place to start if you are stumped for content.

Some of you who have been following me for a while now will hear me say about scheduling content in advance. Keep doing that but maybe schedule the post for later in the day freeing up some space in the morning for an additional post. Having two posts going out on your Facebook page in a day is not going to hurt at all, regardless of what some people may say.

Well, there you have it; my handy 5-point checklist on Facebook and I hope it has been of use to you. I am always happy to share my thoughts, top tips and ideas with you. If you have a moment and would like to share this blog, that would be very much appreciated.

Before I go, don’t forget to join me every Friday at 1pm on Facebook for my #LunchtimeEVENT. You are welcome to come and say hello!

Until the next time..