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Getting Organised as a Business Owner

What is the importance of staying organised as a business owner? Most importantly, it will save you from many hours of stress, secondly, it will allow your business to run more smoothly; allowing you to focus on running and growing your business. If you are trying to get more organised, here are my top tips.

Sort Your Work Space

First things first, you will need to organise your workspace into a place that suits you and your business. If you work from home, this could be clearing out the spare room and moving in a desk, if you are providing a product, do you need somewhere to produce and package it? Getting this in place first will ensure you always have a solid base for your business.


Every business has repetitive processes in place that happen every week or every month, this could be sending invoices, replenishing stock or replying to customer queries. These small tasks can often add up to many hours over the course of a month so it makes sense to automate the things you do regularly within your business. You could use recurring invoice software, arrange for stock to be automatically sent out to you after a certain period of time, use automated replies to customer queries or even add a FAQ page to your website.

Embrace Productivity Tools

When used in the correct way, project management tools have the ability to transform the way you run your business and can increase productivity, improve communication and accountability within your team and help you to plan out and track projects, products or campaigns with ease. If you would like to find out more about what I use in my business, I talk more about my favourite productivity tools in my recent blog. (My Favourite Productivity Tools in Business)

Streamline Your Online Marketing

Online marketing is essential for businesses in this digital age and it makes sense from an organisational point of view to streamline this as much as you can. Defining clear objectives with your marketing so you don’t get side-tracked and using your data and analytics to test what’s working so you don’t waste time are excellent ways to streamline your marketing. If you don’t know where to begin with your online marketing or you simply don’t have time, outsourcing could be the answer for you. If you are interested in seeing what kind of digital marketing services I can help you with, you can browse my services here.

What are your favourite ways to stay organised as a business owner? I would love to hear your thoughts or if you would like a no-obligation chat with me about how I can help you, don’t hesitate to get in touch here.