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6 Top Tips for Creating Your First Facebook Page

There were approximately 2.8 billion monthly active users of Facebook at the end of 2020 according to Statista and the popular platform is not just a social network anymore but somewhere people go to find a business and the product or service that they need. A Facebook page is free to set up and it makes good sense to utilise one for your business. A business page is a little different from a personal page though, here are a few things to remember:

1. Add a Call-to-Action Button

What is your objective? What do you want your audience to do when they land on your page?  If you want them to see your product or service, add a button which drives traffic to your website or shop. Do you want your customers to contact you via WhatsApp or Messenger? Add a button to tell them so.

2. Check your Images

One of the things I see often is when a business doesn’t optimise images for the platform they are using, leaving images blurry, grainy or pixelated. Using the correct image size for your profile image (400px x 400px) or cover photo (851px x 315px) on Facebook will look good and also optimise your image for mobile version. TIP: Use Canva to do this effectively.

3. Clean up Your Tabs

Remove tabs from your Facebook business page that you don’t need as this will just make your page look cluttered and irrelevant if a customer clicks on them looking for further information. If you don’t have a shop, for example, remove this feature. If you have a lot of Facebook reviews you would like to showcase, then make a point of keeping the review tab visible.

4. It’s All About You

Ensure that your business details are up to date and displayed on your page where people can find them easily if they need them. Fill in the basics! Make it easy for your audience to use your service or buy your products and add your website, email and telephone.

5. Change Your Settings

Changing your privacy settings will give you the peace of mind that no-one can post to your page without your knowledge. This means you will avoid negative postings that you might not see until it’s too late. This can be anything from spam to a difficult customer. Give yourself a chance to rectify any potential complaints first, before they get posted.

6. Don’t Publish!

It sounds obvious but don’t publish your page until it is 100% ready. Facebook is so flooded with half- finished business pages and incomplete information, that it can be frustrating for customers when they are trying to find the right service or product for them. Making your business page look complete, polished and professional will impress your audience from the outset.

Are you starting a business and need a little more than Facebook page advice?
Check out my recent blog ‘Tips for Starting a New Business’ here.  I am passionate about supporting new businesses to get off the ground and smash their branding and social media goals.

Need some help? Get a FREE 30-minute chat with me here to discuss your needs.