What Makes a Good Logo?
Take a moment to think of a famous logo, several probably come to mind. Coca Cola anyone? A great logo is a huge compliment to your business and should be clear and in sync with your message and your branding. Here are my top tips on making sure your logo fits your business and looks great.
A Pop of Colour
It’s a good idea to delve into a bit of colour psychology and see what ‘feel’ you want your logo to evoke in your audience. Calm greens, dynamic reds and professional blues all have the power to stand out. Choose whatever colour suits you but just remember to keep your colour scheme consistent across the board and allow your logo to be memorable.
Is Your Logo on Brand?
It can be tempting to go all out on colours for your logo without taking into account your branding. Matching your logo to your brand colours or theme is important and creates a solid statement on what you are all about. Imagine your logo in different situations and think about if it conveys your message the way you want it to. Does it tell your audience what you do?
There is no doubt about it, simple logos are best. Make your logo too complicated and you risk confusion when your customers see it. Simple is much more effective and a bold statement. It’s a cliché but less is definitely more in this case.
Logo Mistakes
A timeless logo is most important. Good or bad, your audience will remember your logo and it will become much more difficult to change it or rebrand down the road. Some well-known companies have tried.. and failed at this.
If you don’t have the time or the necessary skills to create a good logo for your business then I can help. I have experience in creating logos for a variety of clients across a broad range of sectors. Get in touch here to see how I can help you.