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Sometimes people just need a little help… so feel free press the help button!

I hope everyone is well and busy. I know I am today and I just wanted to share with you what’s been going on with me in the last couple of days.

Yesterday, I spoke with two clients in particular I would like to share about. One client who needed some advice and my help in how best to promote an event on their Facebook page. I took the time to run through the best practices for them to use only to be asked if this is something that I can do for them more regularly. I said: “Yes I can help you”

Moments later, I received an enquiry from someone who is looking to start a new business and wanted to know how to get set up, how to brand the business, how to promote their launch and also if I would be able to assist with a shiny new website. I said: “Yes I can help you” 

Today, I have been speaking with a lovely family run business that was looking for someone to run their eyes over their social media channels and give them an honest critique. I did this and they seemed to love my input. They even implemented some changes straight away. They have asked if there is a way of me helping them going forward. I said: “Yes I can help you” 

And then…….. I get a call from a local business owner who saw one of my Facebook Ads (nudge nudge) and asked if I could help run their social media because they need to get a professional in to manage their output. I said: “Yes I can help you” 

So the moral of this story is that, I have spent some time in the past 24/48 hours speaking with people who have asked for my help, WITHOUT CHARGE.

They have valued my experience and expertise and then asked for my help.

If you need help, just shout! I am on hand wherever possible without charge and hopefully we can find a way of working together more formally in the future.

In this world, businesses are too quick to simply send you to a sign up page or send out an invoice. Yes I know there is a price for someone’s time but being there to help someone when they need it, I believe is priceless.

I have lost count with the number of times I have used the word ‘help’ in this blog. So, I will finish on this… if you like what you have read and are willing to help me, please click that share button as it would be much appreciated.

Until the next time….