Should You Create a YouTube Account for Your Business?
We all use YouTube. Whether it’s for ‘how to’ videos, catching up on your favourite YouTuber subscriptions or watching the latest fluffy cat videos but have you ever thought about setting up a YouTube account for your business? And should you?
The answer is yes! A YouTube channel can be an excellent way to market your business and share your message. Here’s why…
Get Found on Google
Did you know that Google own YouTube? Naturally, everything you post across your YouTube account will be ranked in Google videos. Take advantage of this by creating quality videos, posting them to YouTube and embedding them into your website for more traction. The more shares, likes and embeds you get, the more Google will rank your content.
Reach a Larger Audience
Posting a video on YouTube is the quickest way to get access to the people who watch 4 billion videos on the platform daily. Did you know that there were 2,240.03 million Worldwide users of YouTube in 2021? According to Statista, this number is still rising.
Stamp Your Authority
Sharing videos related to your niche is a good way to stamp your authority as a leader in your field. This will also build trust between you as a business owner and your audience. If your followers can begin to identify with you on a personal and emotional level, you are on to a winner.
Inform Your Followers
Whether you want to share behind the scenes footage or your latest new product. Video is an excellent way to get this across and make sure your audience feel like they are a part of your brand. Keep your content informative, interesting and related to your niche to keep your audience coming back for more and subscribing to your videos.
Re-Use Content
Pretty much anything you have shared on your website and existing social media channels can be re-purposed into video content to be used on YouTube. Create a video version of your blog with sub-headings to break it up. Create informational videos on how to use or set-up your products. Use videos to compliment the content on your website and boost it with backlinks.
If you need more help and advice on using social media platforms, including YouTube, I am happy to help. You can book a free, no-obligation call with me here.