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One Man Brand

When I first made the decision to set up my own digital marketing agency, I knew that I needed to look at ways of standing out from the thousands, if not tens of thousands, of agencies to choose from. How did I do it?

I weighed up all the options and even wrote a pros and cons list (old school style!) It quickly become apparent that, over the years, and with the different companies I had worked for, I had built up some great relationships. Of course, I have to add, at the time, the product I was working with would have been a good fit for the client too. To be successful in business it all comes down to the relationships you build and develop.

It’s all in the name…

Being self-employed, my trading name is SDC Digital, yet the website you are reading this blog from is not I could have very easily branded this and away I go. (For those who clicked on the link; yes I secured this domain as well just in case!)

However, this is where my brand gets lost. I am in a very large fishpond and yet I am a relatively small fish. I have accepted that I am a small fish but I am not trying to pretend to be the biggest one you could catch either. What makes me unique? What is my niche? It’s me.

I wanted people to see that it is all about me, the services I provide and the testimonials I get. Testimonials from those who enjoy and see the benefit from working with me. This is said with zero arrogance but with confidence of who I am and the strengths I have to offer.

I am not trying to massively scale my business. When the time is right, I may do something with my brand but for now, I am happy and more importantly my clients are happy.

All in good time…

Like I mentioned above, I am not looking to scale quickly and take on 10 – 15 new clients each week. I have to be realistic. Some clients will want to be with a large team of people. Some businesses would like to work with a digital marketing agency that they can call up and talk to and not be given a few moments time but enough to ensure that everything is working well.

There is nothing worse than speaking to someone knowing that they are eager to get you off the phone and on to the next client. Can anyone relate to this?

If my day over runs, it’s not necessarily down to poor time management, but it’s 100% my decision. It’s giving my clients the right level of time needed. If I fancy working a few hours in the evening or at a weekend, then that is ok. (On the proviso that I get to spend time with my wife and tinkering in the workshop. In that order of course!)

I will finish on this…

Some may read this blog and think that I am not being ambitious, I get that. Some may read this and think that this is the way forward to running a business and to develop relationships.

If you are looking for someone who has a particular set of skills and the time to help you, reach out and see how we can work together.

Being 100% honest, if you are looking for a large digital marketing team to work with, that is not me. I can make some recommendations for you if you would prefer.

Thanks for checking in on my blog. I hope you can see that my approach is about honesty, delivering a service and being there for my clients. What more does anyone need?