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Establishing Morning Routines: Starting Your Workday Right

Do you ever feel like your morning routine just isn’t setting you up for the day? Or you feel as if establishing more solid and productive routines will transform the way you go about your workday? You’re in the right place! Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can start your day in the right way.

Drink More Water

You might feel that drinking more water in the morning isn’t directly related to your workday but it’s proven and well-known that drinking an adequate amount of water will leave you feeling more refreshed, more energised and alert during the day. Try to pair it with something else with a benefit to your health such as stretching or walking.

Catch Up

When you have got your daily water intake down and you are now in the mood for a coffee, use the time to catch up on anything that has happened overnight which might affect your working day such as your social media feed, your emails or anything else you can deal with in a few minutes which will save time later on in the day.

List Your Priorities for the Day

Take some time to run over what you would like to achieve today. This exercise doesn’t have to add any unnecessary pressure but by checking your diary in the morning, you will see what you have coming up so you can prepare yourself in the best possible way. Also make a list of what you hope to achieve over the course of the day and prioritise them. Ticking them off (Or even just some of them!) at the end of the day will give you a sense of achievement and motivation.

Banish Your Worries

If you are experiencing worries about anything, writing them down can help you process and make sense of them. Your particular worry might be something bigger which you need extra support with but just the act of getting them out of your head and onto paper can help ease anxiety caused by niggling worries. You can also pencil in some time to sit down and deal with them later which will give you the freedom to move on for the time-being.

Do Something that Makes You Happy

This can mean something different to everyone but doing something in the morning which makes you happy can help you start your day in a positive way which can carry through for the rest of the day. For me, this is (activity) but for you, it could be having a 10 minute shower, walking your dog or reading a chapter of your current book. Pick something that makes you happy and add it to your morning routine.

What morning routines do you live by that set you up for a day at work? Whether you commute for work or work remotely a solid routine can have a huge effect on your working day. I would love to hear if any of my tips have worked for you.