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Celebrating My First Year In Business

I sit here today extremely proud. Proud of what I have achieved both personally in life but also professionally. Today is the 11th June 2021 and it marks the one year anniversary since I launched my business. What an amazing year it has been.

Let me tell you a bit more….

But before I do that, I need to say ‘thank you’ to a few people first. My wife; Cate, for being supportive and for putting up with the ‘bear with me whilst I finish this’ comments and for me saying ‘I really need to work tonight or this weekend’.

To my close friends and family for being there when called upon for advice, support and guidance.

To my wonderful team, who have worked with me in growing my brand into a successful business.And lastly (and by no means least) my wonderful clients who have helped make this possible.

In The Beginning…

I sat down in May 2020, uncertain as to what my future would hold. I was unemployed. I had two choices;

1) Dust off the CV and start looking at job opportunities
2) Put pen to paper and launch my own brand.

Option one was a consideration. We were in lockdown though, thousands of businesses had furloughed staff and there was so much uncertainty with how things would pan out with the pandemic.

Option two was where my heart was taking me. I had always wanted to start my own social media / digital marketing business but never really took the opportunity to do it properly. I pulled out an A4 pad (for those that know me and my love of stationery, I had many to choose from!!) and drew a circle in the middle with my name. I started to branch off the different skill sets I believed I had. I also looked at what services I could offer and I analysed why people would even consider using me to help them grow their business.

I started to think of some business names and quickly realised that I would simply become just another agency with a company name and a logo. I didn’t want that. I believed that my client base would not want that.People buy from people, so I created the brand; ME!

From a One-Man Brand To A Digital Agency

I started my business with £250 in my pocket. That was my advertising spend and I knew that I had to invest it wisely in order to not only launch but be sustainable. I was the one man band, I was the marketing guy, the bookkeeper, the PA, I was everything…

Until I started to realise that this could become bigger and better.I had many people wishing me good luck and also saying that I was brave to launch a new business whilst we were in a pandemic. This spurred me on. I am not afraid (nor was I twelve months ago) to work the hours needed.

There have been many 60+ hour weeks, weekends spent in the office and late nights working on client projects or creating campaigns. If I was going to make this happen, I would have to be 100% committed to this.I remember someone saying to me a long time ago. When you are self-employed you can pick and choose your hours and take mornings off and not have to work late in the evenings.

That did not appeal to me.

I said to Cate that for the first year in business, I will need to make this work for me, my brand and more importantly our future.

My Achievements

I have turned a £250 start up into a six-figure digital agency and I have worked with 100+ clients during this time. For those who know me, you will know that I am not bragging here one bit.This is pride.
This is the result of working hard to grow my business.

This is me being straight up with you to highlight that anything is possible if you are prepared to work for it.

Believe in it. Trust in your own ability.

I have now built an excellent team around me who help me with the day-to-day activities of running a digital agency. Social media managers, designers, developers but I am not sitting back here with my feet up.

The Future

I have big plans in the pipeline. I am in the process of writing a book about social media and I plan to launch a membership/subscription service real soon for business owners who are looking to manage and grow their own social media. If you could see my two large whiteboards in my office, you would see my future all mapped out in front of me.

I have plans. It’s good to have plans.

Thinking of Starting A Business?

If you are sitting there considering starting a new business, get in touch. This is not a salesy angle, but I will happily share with you what I have done to help to not only launch but to grow a business. I will also tell you how it really is.

None of this flowery pipedream stuff that you hear all the time.

I am fully transparent in what I do. If you ask, I will tell you. I will show you. I have nothing to hide because if you walk away from our conversation knowing a little more to help you on your journey, then I would be happy. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog.

Thank you for being a part of my journey.

Here’s to year 2.

It’s going to be another great year, I can feel it!