4 Ways to Promote Your Social Media on Your Website
Your website is your little corner of the internet and likely to be the main hub for your business, so it makes sense to try and direct your audience to your social media channels as much as possible. This will help you to provide extra engagement, regular service updates, special offers and an additional way to connect with your customers on a more personal level but, what’s the best way to do this?
Using Social Media Icons
In today’s highly digital era, you’d be hard pushed to find a website which doesn’t have social media icons displayed, after all, if you can offer more value for your clients through social media, it makes good business sense to use it. The key here is to make sure your icons work! If a potential customer is interested enough to click on an icon and it doesn’t work or redirects back to the home page, it’s highly likely they will lose interest instantly. Now is the time I would recommend you go and test your icons!!
Add a Blog Section
One of the best ways you can keep your website fresh and show that your business, website, and social media are currently active is by adding a blog section to your website which is linked back to your social media platforms. A blog is a place you can provide more information on your product, service, or industry and if you keep this section of your website up to date, relevant and interesting, your followers will keep following for more.
Display Follow Buttons
Getting visitors to your website is great. Providing call to actions displayed on your website to get extra likes and followers is better! Working on the proviso that if you don’t ask, you don’t get is a good way to approach this. Providing a simple “Click here to follow us on Facebook” Could be the difference between another sale!
Provide Pop-ups That Give Something Back
Pop ups don’t have to be the garish and annoying ads you can’t get rid of circa the early 2000’s. A tasteful pop up on your website asking your audience to follow you on social media, click to get the latest offer and find out more can all be done respectfully and in a non-intrusive way.
If you need help to fine tune your website, create a new brand or maximise your engagement on social media, I can help. Book a FREE no-obligation chat with me about your business and ask about my FREE social media trial.