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4 Top Tips for Using Facebook for Your Business

In this fast paced and highly digital age, it’s so easy to become bogged down with information when it comes to utilising social media to help your business. There are many excellent reasons for using Facebook for your business.

The fact is simple, Facebook is not just for friends anymore! Social media has become a place to advertise your wares and cultivate connections with your customers or potential clients. From sole traders to corporations, everyone can become ‘digitally diligent’. According to, there were over 2.6 billion active users of Facebook in the first quarter of 2020 and you’d be crazy not to take advantage of that.

With this in mind here are 4 top tips for using Facebook for your business;

Brush Up Your Business Page

Do you have a business page? If not, get one!

A business page is your own space within the Facebook cyberspace to get your brand seen, deliver your message and gain vital connections.

Already have a business page? then use all it has to offer.

Facebook have integrated a number of tools and in-page features to help you sell your brand or products/services. They are free, so use why not them?  If you want people to visit your page, you need to add value, what can you do for them that they can’t do for themselves?  Let them know!

Remain Consistent and Un-spammy

If you have a personal Facebook page you will know that posts are fleeting and most people listlessly scroll on by. (I do it most evenings when I am ‘checking in’ on the social media world. If you want to stand out against today’s latest viral video then you should plan out your posts and remain consistent.

Tons of spammy posts or similarly, sporadic and pointless posts won’t help you to stand out against the competition. You can pin important posts so customers see them as soon as they land on your page. Another area to ensure consistency is with your brand; Use the same images, voice, colours and logos within your posts so that potential and existing customers will recognise and remember you.

Create Use Links and Run Paid Ads

A Facebook business page is the perfect place to create links to your website. After all, this is ultimately where you want your customers to be.

Add your website URL within your page where it can be seen and add links within posts to direct potential customers to your site. Paid adverts may sound ‘gimmicky’ but utilising this will have the positive effect of putting your brand in front of the right customer at the right time.

It’s well worth setting aside a budget and creating a plan to promote your business more widely on Facebook.

Interact and Engage

Perhaps the most important thing on this list is how you engage with your customers and believe me; they will remember exactly who went above and beyond to make them feel important.

Thank people for their good feedback and publicly address negative feedback immediately. A customer can be easily brought around if they know you are doing everything in your power to address and rectify their issue. Reply to comments and do all you can to make your customers feel at home. This creates trust and a strong bond with the public and your business.

So, there we have it; 4 top tips for using Facebook for your business. If you would like some further advice, please feel free to get in touch here.