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3 Things That You May Not Know About Facebook Advertising

Running regular Facebook ads for your business will provide you with a number of benefits. I recognise that generating leads and enquiries is important to any business. You can also measure ‘success’ in other ways; reach, clicks and demographics.

In this blog, I will highlight three things about using Facebook ads that you may not be aware of.

1. Reach Stats

Here are two statistics that Facebook will show you.

1) Impressions
2) Reach.

In short, impressions mean the number of times your advert was displayed on Facebook’s feed. Reach (which is the real stat to keep an eye on) is the one that tells you how many people have seen your advert. This translates to the number of people who have seen your brand! This stat is important because someone may not act upon your advert straight away. However, they may remember seeing your advert and contact you at a later date. This is brand awareness at its best! Top Tip: Always ask your customers where they first saw your brand first. You could attribute a previous advert to a new sale/enquiry.

2. Scheduling Adverts

In my experience, people assume if you want to get started, you create it and the ad goes live straight away. That is not the case. You can schedule adverts to go out on a specific time and date after it has been approved by the Facebook ad bots. You can even have it running at certain times of the day too, but that is for another blog sometime in the future). The key point to this being added to my list is that if you are launching a specific product or service, on a particular date, you can create and then simply click the schedule button. This is great if you are under pressure and find yourself rushing around at the last minute.

3. Too Much Text Can Produce Poorer Results

For this, I am referring to the text that you have in an image. I have been running Facebook advertising for businesses for the last 5 years. Quite often, I will get sent an email with the description of what the client would like to promote, and it would have an image with text all over it! There is a handy tool you can use which will help you determine if your advert is likely to experience any issues. I prefer to leave the image with no next or very little text and then use the main description of the advert to be as catchy and engaging as possible.

There may be more than three things that you may not know about Facebook advertising, but I felt these were important to share with you to start with. This means that I may now need to run a Part II to this blog sometime soon!!

If you need some help with Facebook ads for your business or perhaps you are looking to discuss how it works and the benefits, please get in touch.